Born in 1958, Hervé Bailly-Basin studied plastic arts at the Beaux Arts in Beaune, Lyon and Dijon, then at the Faculty of Letters in Reims studied philosophy.
Aggregated plastic arts, he devotes himself in parallel to his teaching career to a creative process, initially centered on a transposed pictorial practice from the end of the 1980s in the then emerging techniques of computer graphics. Also the possibility of recording the successive states of the image-tableau has led him to the realization of animated sequences and installations, including the sound system ("when immobility is broken, silence is torn apart" ) has sparked numerous collaborations with the world of contemporary music.
His cooperation with the composer Tristan Murail, distinguished in 2002 by the audiovisual prize from the Charles-Cros Academy, consecrated this evolution towards transdisciplinary works. Most of these, however, remain perceptible, image by image, like a profusion of paintings, resulting from a pictorial art now invited to "livebeyond his means...
Noting the presencede factoin his work on the digital modeling of painting, Hervé Bailly-Basin has resolved to make this modeling a conscious and explicit approach. Thus the "pictoriality" whose essence he sought to attain at the initial stage of his practice turned out to be the transitory moment of aplasticity that the integral malleability of liquid crystals today allows to bring to its climax.
visually the algorithm which permeates and "shapes" his work secretly: generative equation of which he had presumed the existence in any artist, in an article written formerly for the review Nov'Art.